Labor Day Changes Your Customers Will Appreciate

Labor Day is often the time we wind down all of our summer activities. Or, at the very least, go for one big last hurrah. We can say the same of your website’s holiday update.

And if you’re thinking your website doesn’t need a holiday update, this is your refresher.

Take the time to open a second window to view your website. Do you see any of the following?

  • Summer Sales Information
  • Bright, Sunny Imagery
  • Lofty, Lighthearted Language
  • Summer-Oriented Social Media Posts

If you see any of these pop up on your homepage, it’s time to start holiday update plans so your site can have a new look once it gets dark before prime time.

September marks the end of the summer, but it also marks the end of the fiscal year. A sales slowdown is natural as you get your books in order. While it’s not terrible by any means, nobody expects a business to run full throttle every single month.

Spring Cleaning for Your Data-Driven Environment

Summer Site Beach Body 6-Pack

How Image Updates Enhance User Experiences

Updating your website from summer to fall signifies to your customer base that you adapt to changes in the seasons and the market.

Did you know people perceive colors differently throughout the seasons? A new season could also be an opportunity to introduce a new color scheme that matches a less adventurous attitude.

Everyone adjusts to fall differently, but we nevertheless change. A few minor tweaks after a long weekend could prove to your customer base that you’re worth coming back to.

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