2 BIG Ways To Improve Your Company’s Reputation

The power of goodwill marketing, also known as charitable marketing, has roots in the most fundamental principle, or golden rule. But you can still commit to the golden rule with a little branding.

Promoting your business costs time. And to utilize time properly, we hire workers. The hiring of workers costs money. Not only is paying people on top of paying for print advertisements, video production, editing software, ink, paper, fabric, etc. costly, but there’s an element of unsurety involved in every campaign.

That feeling of doubt opens the door for marketing maneuvers labeled as goodwill gestures. If you cannot think of a way your marketing expenditure helps your company, at least it helps whatever cause you’re attaching your time.

Here are two BIG ways to grow your brand with goodwill marketing endeavors.


It’s (Surprisingly) Easy to Be Green

Green technology is never going away. In fact, the renewable energy industry in the United States employs four or five times the number of workers than the entire coal industry. This expansive renewable sector means there are plenty of companies and resources on which to hitch your wagon. Real estate, agriculture, and electronics agencies know the benefits of using solar power on massive scales.

This same logic applies to startups as well. Even adding one solar panel to the roof of a home your selling will attract more environmentally conscious buyers. The younger your target generation, the more likely they are to match their wallets with ecologically conscious organizations.


Are you a small business owner in a big space? Warehouses are necessary to house equipment and inventory, or fleets of service vehicles. Have you ever seen The Office? They’re always throwing a party in their warehouse! No, we’re not asking you to give up your personal space just yet. Just know that most charitable organizations, particularly those in healthcare donations and cancer awareness often need facilities to host their fundraising events.

Opening your doors or land to select organizations can boost your public relations and improve your standing in the community. You can also use your location for charitable drop-offs like food, books or clothing items.


There are more ways to improve your community while getting your message out. For more information, call Valorous Circle.

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