Conversion Rate Optimization: Three Steps to Success

Do you have a lot of monthly visitors to your site and yet no sales being made? A low conversion rate comes as a result of the wrong traffic visiting your website, poor quality content, or the lack of a clear direction for people to take.

Let’s assume you have the right traffic coming in and you are creating excellent content for them to consume, but you still aren’t converting visitors into leads or customers. You’re likely either acting overly salesy, pushing too many products down people’s throats and not providing any value up front, or you aren’t trying to sell at all. The goal is to find a happy medium.

Conversion Rate Optimization Body

Conversion Rate Optimization Tips

1. Confidence in Your Product/Service: If you don’t have any confidence in the product or service you offer, you will be hesitant to ever try to sell it. Sure, you’ll have it listed on your website, but you won’t ask for the sale. If you ever do, you’ll do it in an apologetic way. If you don’t believe in your product or service, no one else will either.

2. Deliver Valuable Content: If you want to sell more, give more away. I know it’s hard to imagine giving away valuable information for free, especially when you can potentially make some money off it, but offering free content for people to consume establishes a foundation of trust and authority. Creating content essentially means you invest in people up front, so they return the favor when it’s time for them to buy.

3. Create Clear Calls to Action: People don’t always do what you expect or hope them to do. Just because you thought a blog post was good enough to get people to sign up for your email newsletter doesn’t mean that will be the step they take. Unless you make it clear that’s what you want them to do. Instead of assuming people will take the right action, simply point them in the right direction. If you want people to comment on a blog post, ask a question at the end of your post or say, “leave a comment below.” If you want people who land on your services page to contact you, include a link to your contact page and/or include your phone number in a highly visible location on the page.

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